23 August, 2010

The bitter pang of failure, a big congratulations... and HUGE disappointment in Luts.


Two DoA users that managed to snag the Smoky Quartz Shiwoo when he came up an hour and forty minutes late.

You both have fingers of lighting and well deserve the prize! Hopefully, with permission, we'll post more about your elusive little rare guys as they go!

But yeah... as for me? I had one in the cart but my computer connection was too slow. I may have lovely scenery and wildlife, but I paid for it with my chance of snagging one of these little guys. He was in the cart, he was ready to go but.... click on make payment... a little too long to load and poof, gone.
Ah well.
Thoughts go out to Forbidden who similarly has her fingers around the slippery little fella, but lost him in a similarly tragic way.

Luts must be severely reproached for this. I wouldn't have mind missing out on him if the game had been fair, but the devotion of Heidiplay helped untangle the mystery of the missing Shiwoos when she announced through proxy after an hour long wait that they had been released on the Chinese site. Anger was pretty thick in the air as he STILL didn't come up on the English site and the rough translation of the message on the Chinese site suggested he was exclusive.
A whopping half an hour later he came on sale on the English site, woefully late.

WHY didn't Luts do a global release? Why was he released on the Chinese site and WHY did they release a highly anticipated doll an hour and forty minutes after their announced time when many potential collectors had given up?

Luts has a lot to answer for still. It has been an utter debacle.

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