Smallest of the basic Shiwoos, and their newest whole doll release. He was one of the few released as a Fullset, the "Boris" came with the cute edgy punkesque clothing picture (including a very cute pair of black and white checkered shorts) and a set of black resin monster feet and a claw.
Strangely, he's also been the only of the original PukiFee that hasn't been included in another Fullset (yet! We're still hoping!)
Launched with the PukiFee range in June 2009.
Released and available through Fairyland- Boris Full set still in stock!
For quite some time, the LittleFee Shiwoo dominated the smallest Shiwoo role... He was also one of the original LittleFee brought out when the LittleFee line was released. He's been the only other full set released (with the exception of the Delf Art and the limited Cyber Bohemian- but he's been the only other real GENERAL release) and came in the cute little black cat set shown
Launched with the LittleFee range in December 2008
Released and available through Fairyland- Black Cat Set Sold Out.

True to the Shiwoo form, one of the first MiniFee to be released. And like all the original set, he was originally released through Luts before he was handed over to Fairyland. Still a highly popular MiniFee! He never came as a full set, and Fairyland has yet to make him one, though as per usual, we shall wait and see!
Launched with MiniFee in February 2005 (?)
Released through Luts, available through Fairyland
Released many moons ago when Luts was young, he was billed as Chiwoo's younger brother and the second male Delf to be sculpted. He was the basis for all the other Shiwoos after.
There have been a number of full sets for the Delf, and one special resin colour, but all of these were highly limited and details can be found in the Limited Shiwoo section.
Unknown Launch. Perhaps 2004? Please message if you know!
Released and Available through Luts
A thoroughly Luts thing is a the dreaming head, with the eyes slightly more open than the sleeping head, making a rather unique, stand alone look. The Shiwoo is one of the few where the eyes are half open, rather then just a slit like the Lishe or El. This makes him far more versatile, and rarely modded.
Unknown Launch. Perhaps 2004? Please message if you know!
Released and available through Luts (HEAD ONLY)
Part of the big fad for Vampire dolls, the dreaming Vampire Shiwoo is one of the few versions still around today that wasn't released as a limited. Oddly, perhaps because of this, there was no Elf Vampire limited release.
He was sold as more of an extra head to go with the Delf Shiwoo, and is still sold exclusively like that to date.
Unknown Launch. Perhaps 2004? Please message if you know!
Released and Available through Luts (HEAD ONLY or SHIWOO SPECIAL with the OE head)
Note: Sleeping heads are not included, as they're usually an accessory rather than an actual stand alone doll.