He's been revealled! We have a date, a vauge number and some stunning, tempting pictures!
I asked the Q&A for more info on this lovvie, and i finally have an answer.... He's going to be severely limited, under ten released in total and he'll be open for sale on the 23rd of August 2010... So it looks like I will be spending a huge part of my day refreshing the Luts page in hopes of nabbing one.
Good luck to all you Shiwoo hunters. If I don't get one and you do, please spam on DoA! I'd love to do a featurette of him when he arrives to his lucky new owners' houses!
Here's a few more tantalizing teaser pics- his sleeping head his revealled AND his fullset outfit!

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Thoughts? Feelings? Been Shiwooed yourself? Or maybe Chiwooed, WooSooed or even Breakawayed? Feel free to share!