23 August, 2010

NEVER tease a Collector...

Beware Luts.... You just made a lot of rabid doll collectors very upset....

.... and so, at 12pm Korean time, when the Smoky Quartz Shiwoo was listed for sale, Shiwoo Collectors, Doll Lovers and Scalpers (but we don't care about them!) alike decended onto the Luts site to try their luck at getting the ultra rare, beautiful, iresistable Shiwoo.

At 12pm on the dot everyone pressed refresh, held their breath and....

Nothing happened.

Not a peep. Nothing on the site changed, nothing came up. No "Out of stock" notice, no apology note for an issue or a delay.

A quarter of an hour later, people are turning to each other and looking questioningly. Had there been a misunderstanding? perhpas they meant 12am not 12pm? Perhaps they're a bit behind. Could they have sold out in the blink of an eye and no one realized?

Half an hour sails by and the Shiwoo Collectors, the Doll Lovers and the Scalpers (of whom no one really cares about) are going from confused to angry. Conspricy theories abound from people buying direct from the Luts base to Luts teasing us into reloading the page for more page hits- the latter of which prooves none of us are immune when we're desperately refreshing for a Shiwoo... it was MY theory!

At quarter to one, resignation sets in. Wolfie Pie sings the Luts Song, summing up everyone's feelings in poetic verse:
*sings* Ooooh Luts! You make me sooo maaaad! *sings* You're leaving the Shiwoo-lovers hangingggg! Nooot cooool! *end song*
And because it's late in some countries, people are giving up and going to bed. No blaming them, it looks like the game is lost. Perhaps they sold out on the Japanese site before they even had a chance to appear, even breifly on the US site?

Then it hits one pm. the game is now truly lost. Any hope of there being some horrible, hilarious mistake and the dolls being released an hour late evaporates.  It's over and no one really knows who won.

We're all pretty shattered. I personally have been waiting since I heard about it for this moment. I didn't mind who won it (as long as it wasn't one of those aformentioned Scalpers that no one cares about) as long as someone did, but I don't even know IF anyone did. There's absolutely no sign whatsoever on the Luts site explaining what went on.

MagicBunny of DoA expresses it well:

"It would be great if Luts had posted something. There are people all over the world waiting up because they're rabid fans (props to the rabid Shiwoo legions, btw!). It would be great if Luts would be aware of their global reach and let their sleepless fans down easy"

Questions have been asked of Luts regarding the non event. when Luts answers, we'll put them up here for everyone.

But for me? well I'll stay at it for a little while longer... and hour... or two...

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