28 February, 2010

Gender bending....

Are Shiwoo's sweet... or not so sweet transvestites?

I just added to my incoming collection by picking up a LittleFee Shiwoo from the marketplace on a girl's body...

It brought to mind the question- WHY are there so many female Shiwoos? Its marketed as a male sculpt, its always sold on male bodies (aside al la carte), so why the popularity of the gender bend?

I have no issues with people who do, don't get me wrong, this isn't an ultra biased "OMG, I'm right you're wrong!" rant or anything it's simply voicing a curiosity of mine... I tend to prefer male incarnations myself, but that's my preference for my own dolls, I've seen a lot of lovely girl versions too!

Male or female, what's your preference and why? What are your opinions? Love them as girls, hate them as boys? Love the boys and hate the girl? Or just toally indifferent?


  1. I think that a Shiwoo can make a very gorgeous girl...IF DONE RIGHT!

    I currently have a MNF Scarred Shiwoo floating head, Chiyoko, that I accidentally bought, thinking that she was a 60cm head. It didn't matter to me once I realized that she was a 45cm, by then I had fallen in love with her! I even found her a lightning scarred arm so that she can be the little orphaned girl lost in our dimension that she whispered to me that she was while still on layaway.

    I love ALL Shiwoo and would love to join this blogger, how do I do that? I'm on Livejournal. I use that sn as my roleplaying one, but its my most active one.


    I love

  2. I love Shiwoo's as boys or girls. Somehow I ended up with 3 girls and only 1 boy Shiwoo, but I have plans for more boys, as I prefer them that way usually. lol I love the Shiwoo mold because it is so incredibly versatile~ <3


Thoughts? Feelings? Been Shiwooed yourself? Or maybe Chiwooed, WooSooed or even Breakawayed? Feel free to share!